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No Easy Victories: African Liberation and American Activists over a Half Century, 1950-2000


"We were part of a worldwide movement that continues today to redress the economic and social injustices that kill body, mind, and spirit. No Easy Victories makes clear that our lives and fortunes around the globe are indeed linked." - Nelson Mandela

Other Featured Titles: 2007
Global Exchange as Enclosure

by Andrew Mushita and Carol B. Thompson
The struggle for control of biodiversity is passionate: Corporate leaders assume they can make billions; many scientists aspire to manufacturing “new” species; the promise of new cures tantalizes. But no scientist, no patent lawyer, or economist can depict the whole picture. This book gives voice to those in Africa who know better—and are willing to help others see the horror of the biopiracy and enclosure behind the camouflage of advancing “innovation,” “land reform,” and “free trade.” Sharing bioresources requires not only different views of science, of law, of trade, but also of community.
PRICE: $29.95

BIOPIRACY OF BIODIVERSITY<br>Global Exchange as Enclosure<p>by Andrew Mushita and Carol B. Thompson
"IN-DEPENDENCE" FROM BONDAGE<br>Claude McKay and Michael Manley Defying the Ideological Clash and Policy Gaps in African Diaspora Relations<p>by Lloyd McCarthy "IN-DEPENDENCE" FROM BONDAGE
Claude McKay and Michael Manley Defying the Ideological Clash and Policy Gaps in African Diaspora Relations

by Lloyd McCarthy
"As black people around the world continue to search for "liberation blueprints" perhaps the work of Lloyd McCarthy might prove to be a guidebook. By looking at the intellectual development of Claude McKay and Michael Manley he mines the Afro-Jamaican traditions for its gold. Here is work that restores the importance of looking to the common man for leadership and moral direction. Poets and politicians can meet on the same road and at times, talk the talk. New World Africans need to listen."

-E. Ethelbert Miller, Director, African American Resource Center, Howard University
PRICE: $24.95

From Theory to Action
A Hand-Book on ICTs for Local Governance

by Gianluca C. Misuraca
This book presents the context, theory, and current thinking on the interaction between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and local governance, particularly in Africa. It discusses the shift from "government" to "e-governance," describes the role of local-level authorities, and presents the benefits and limitations of introducing ICTs in government operations. Case studies from Ghana, Senegal, South Africa, and Uganda describe local governance/ICTs projects executed by civil society organizations, academic institutions, and government authorities.
PRICE: $29.95

E-GOVERNANCE IN AFRICA<br>From Theory to Action<br>A Hand-Book on ICTs for Local Governance<p>by Gianluca C. Misuraca

by W.O. Maloba
This book is an ambitious, extensive and detailed analysis of the roles played by African women in seven revolutionary movements in post World War II Africa. The revolutionary movements covered in this book occurred in: Algeria, Kenya, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. The book describes and analyzes the nature and impact of women’s participation in these revolutionary movements. How did these revolutionary movements define women’s liberation? What is the linkage between feminist theories of liberation and national liberation? Did the national liberation movements betray women...?
PRICE: $29.95

The Memoirs of a Lawyer Turned Rebel

by Bereket Habte Selassie
This memoir recounts the extraordinary story of a man straddling two worlds—a progressive lawyer and high-ranking official of the government of Emperor Haile Selassie who struggled for justice within an archaic system. It is also the story of a man who has been touched by and in turn made his share of influence in some of the major events and developments of Ethiopia, Eritrea and the rest of Africa as well...
PRICE: $29.95

THE CROWN AND THE PEN<br>The Memoirs of a Lawyer Turned Rebel<p>by Bereket Habte Selassie


AFRICA IN RUSSIA, RUSSIA IN AFRICA<br>Three Centuries of Encounters<p>Edited by Maxim Matusevich AFRICA IN RUSSIA, RUSSIA IN AFRICA
Three Centuries of Encounters

Edited by Maxim Matusevich
“Once in a while in African studies there comes a book that is truly informative and a compelling read. This is one such book. It is an invaluable volume on a little explored subject, the long history of relations between Africa and Russia that goes back at least three centuries, a complex, sometimes contradictory, and constantly changing relationship marked by mutual curiosity and idealism, various contacts and exchanges, and revolutionary solidarity during the tumultuous years of colonialism and the cold war..."
-Paul Tiyambe Zeleza, Professor of African Studies and History, Pennsylvania State University
PRICE: $34.95

Using Law for Good Governance and Development

Edited by Ann Seidman, Robert B. Seidman, Pumzo Mbana and Hanson Hu Li
The African continent exceeds in size and natural resources the combined territories of Europe, the United States and China. Yet most Africans must struggle for bare survival. The authors of this book’s chapters describe different African countries’ experiences, underscoring the need to use law to transform Africa’s inherited institutions. Chapter 2 outlines institutionalist legislative theory and methodology as a guide for designing laws to achieve good governance and people-oriented development...
PRICE: $24.95

AFRICA’S CHALLENGE<br>Using Law for Good Governance and Development<p>Edited by Ann Seidman, Robert B. Seidman, Pumzo Mbana and Hanson Hu Li
ASINAMALI<br>University Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa<p>Edited by Richard Pithouse ASINAMALI
University Struggles in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Edited by Richard Pithouse
Asinamali marks CAFA's first enquiry into academic freedom in post-apartheid South Africa. Asinamali means 'We have no money' and is a phrase that was often sung in the struggles against apartheid. A key demand of the struggles against apartheid was, in the famous words of the Freedom Charter adopted at the Congress of the People in 1955, that 'The Doors of Learning and Culture Shall be Opened". But in the ten years since the end of apartheid the South African university system has been rapidly commodified with the result that students who are poor are increasingly being excluded from university education, often at gunpoint, and research and teaching are once again being organized in the interests of elites. But the commodification of education in post-apartheid South Africa has been vigorously contested by student struggles. Thus the old language of resistance is back on South African campuses.
PRICE: $19.95

Giving Voice to Aids Prevention in Africa

by Paul Terry
Breaking Stone Silence is about the astounding struggle over life and land in Africa and the resounding relationship between principles of prevention, community organization, social justice and community health...Like African masks that symbolize both bravery and death, AIDS, community action and prevention education represent Africa’s harshest legacy as well as Zimbabwe’s heritage of hope...
PRICE: $21.95

BREAKING STONE SILENCE<br>Giving Voice to Aids Prevention in Africa<p>by Paul Terry

by Dan Connell
In 2001, months after a devastating war with Ethiopia, a wide-ranging debate erupted within Eritrea over the conduct of leadership and the content of government policy, particularly around the 1998-2000 Border War with Ethiopia, which many thought could have been averted. Much of the criticism was directed at the president, Isaias Afwerki, who refused to implement a newly ratified Constitution or to permit the formation of political parties or to conduct national elections. This national conversation came to an abrupt halt in September when the government arrested its most prominent critics, shut down the private press, and smothered all public political discussion.
PRICE: $24.95

Urgent Tasks for Educational Transformation—Eritrea, South Africa, and the U.S.

by Matt Meyer
"Time Is Tight" is an important piece of literature for educators all over the world. If education is to produce a new generation of empowered people, then we need to support literature such as presented in this inspiring book.

-Ela Gandhi, South African Member of Parliament (ANC), from the Foreword
PRICE: $24.95

TIME IS TIGHT<br>Urgent Tasks for Educational Transformation—Eritrea, South Africa, and the U.S.<p>by Matt Meyer
MULTIPARTY DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL CHANGE<br>Constraints to Democratization in Africa<p>Edited by John Mukum Mbaku and Julius Omozuanvbo Ihonvbere MULTIPARTY DEMOCRACY AND POLITICAL CHANGE
Constraints to Democratization in Africa

Edited by John Mukum Mbaku and Julius Omozuanvbo Ihonvbere
This book is written by seasoned scholars of African Studies and is intended to make a significant contribution to the debate on democracy and democratization in the continent. It contains a rich mixture of analytical ideas and views on the transition to democratic governance in Africa. It provides both students of African political economy and policymakers in the continent an in-depth analysis of the post-independence experiences of African countries with institutional reforms.
PRICE: $34.95



CHALLENGING HEGEMONY<br>Social Movements, and the Quest for a New Humanism in Post-Apartheid South Africa<p>Edited by Nigel Gibson CHALLENGING HEGEMONY
Social Movements, and the Quest for a New Humanism in Post-Apartheid South Africa

Edited by Nigel Gibson
Challenging Hegemony: Social Movements, and the Quest for a New Humanism in Post-Apartheid South Africa is a collection of essays by leading social movement activists and scholars that analyzes the emergence of new political struggles in post apartheid South Africa.
PRICE: $29.95

Kenya’s Women Tell the Story of Their Lives

by Helena Halperin
This compelling book shows the full panorama of women’s struggles in sub-Saharan Africa without sacrificing the vivid details of individual lives. Subsistence farmers, herders, beggars, sex workers, office workers, hawkers, business executives and a few friends who stopped an ethnic war all speak in "I Laugh So I Won’t Cry."
PRICE: $29.95

I LAUGH SO I WON'T CRY<br>Kenya’s Women Tell the Story of Their Lives<p>by Helena Halperin
MAKERS & BREAKERS<br>Children & Youth In Postcolonial Africa<p>Edited by Alcinda Honwana and Filip de Boeck MAKERS & BREAKERS
Children & Youth In Postcolonial Africa

Edited by Alcinda Honwana and Filip de Boeck
This collection navigates through stereotypes of “victim” and “perpetrator,” taking on themes of youth agency and the constructed nature of youth as a social category.It presents a new portrait of youth encompassing transition to a socially recognized adulthood, and an identity with its own social and cultural forms.
PRICE: $29.95



Interconnections During the Slave Trade

Edited by José C. Curto and Renée Soulodre-La France
Africa and the Americas is a collection of recent scholarly essays reflecting an important structural feature of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade. That is its circular nature, departing from Africa, coming to America, and then returning to Africa. Thus the volume is divided into three parts. Starting off, David Eltis, Stephen Behrandt and David Richardson, analyze the slave trade along its national lines and determine that the Portuguese were critically important in the carrying of slaves.
PRICE: $29.95

AFRICA AND THE AMERICAS<br>Interconnections During the Slave Trade<p>Edited by José C. Curto and Renée Soulodre-La France
LIBERIAN WOMEN PEACEMAKERS<br>Fighting for the Right to be Seen, Heard, and Counted<p>A Publication of the African Women and Peace Support Group LIBERIAN WOMEN PEACEMAKERS
Fighting for the Right to be Seen, Heard, and Counted

A Publication of the African Women and Peace Support Group
Women are usually seen as victims of wars, as indeed they are. But they are also peacemakers, so that the riches of their land may be invested in their children's education and health services and in agriculture and industry. In this book, Liberian women and men who were caught in the civil war between 1989 and 2003, tell their own stories of assisting the afflicted, feeding the hungry, pleading with trigger-happy young soldiers to stop the killing, seeking to heal trauma, taking to the streets in protest, and storming peace conferences "to speak plainly and forcefully about the destruction of families, communities and the nation." This book celebrates them.
PRICE: $19.95


by Kofi Buenor Hadjor
"Nkrumah...always managed to stay ahead of his time. If anything, his greatest tragedy was the fact that he was so much ahead of those around him. Very few were able to follow the implications of Nkrumah’s perspective. Even those who were often inspired by his vision could not, on their own, follow on the right road..." -from the author's conclusion
PRICE: $21.95

NKRUMAH AND GHANA<p>by Kofi Buenor Hadjor
RACE AND IDENTITY IN THE NILE VALLEY<br>Ancient and Modern Perspectives<p>Edited by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban and kharyssa rhodes RACE AND IDENTITY IN THE NILE VALLEY
Ancient and Modern Perspectives

Edited by Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban and kharyssa rhodes
This volume pioneers the examination of issues of race and racism, ethnicity and identity in the major Nile Valley countries of Sudan and Egypt from ancient times to the present. Two major events have forced the issue. The study of the ancient Nile Valley was challenged to confront the issue of race in antiquity with the publication of Martin Bernal’s two-volume work, "Black Athena" (1987; 1991) asserting the Afro-Asiatic roots of Western civilization, and its most famous rebuttal "Not Out of Africa" (1996). In the aftermath of these earlier works, the question of whether ancient Egypt was black or white became the most simplistic rendering of this not so collegial debate. In this tome, a new generation of critical archaeologists and anthropologists, freed from old Orientalist and Egyptological racialist and racist ideas, have written with greater objectivity about race and representation than their predecessors.
PRICE: $29.95



Revolutionary Leadership and People’s War

by Patrick Chabal
In less than twenty years of active political life, Amilcar Cabral led Guinea-Bissau’s nationalists to the most complete political and military success ever achieved by an African political movement against a colonial power. At the time of his death in 1973, months before Guinea-Bissau became independent, his influence extended well beyond the Lusophone world and Africa. Friends and foes alike admired his political acumen and skills and saw in him a potential leader of a non-aligned movement. His writings have shown him to be a sophisticated analyst of the social, economic, and political factors which have affected and continue to affect the developing world.
PRICE: $29.95

AMILCAR CABRAL<br>Revolutionary Leadership and People’s War<p>by Patrick Chabal
STRIKE A WOMAN, STRIKE A ROCK<br>Fighting for Freedom in South Africa<p>by Barbara Hutmacher Maclean STRIKE A WOMAN, STRIKE A ROCK
Fighting for Freedom in South Africa

by Barbara Hutmacher Maclean
In this trenchant and compelling book, Barbara Hutmacher MacLean reveals the lives of a cross section of South African women who courageously opposed apartheid in ways the world never knew: blacks who risked death and torture by opposing the government’s racial laws and whites who openly protested the same policies which gave them privilege...
PRICE: $24.95




Edited by Thandika Mkandawire and Charles C. Soludo
This book is a response to the need for critical appraisal of the structural adjustment program (SAP) as a development strategy. The failure of SAP, the simplistic diagnosis and tendentious performance evaluation of the 1994 report, and what seems to be a changed African environment that is more permissive of alternative viewpoints, has convinced Africans to re-enter the debate. There is a growing call for “local ownership” of adjustment and for Africans to assume the leading role in defining the continent’s future.
PRICE: $29.95

AFRICAN VOICES ON STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT<br>A Companion to OUR CONTINENT, OUR FUTURE<p>Edited by Thandika Mkandawire and Charles C. Soludo


OUR CONTINENT, OUR FUTURE<br>African Perspectives on Structural Adjustment<p>by Thandika Mkandawire and Charles C. Soludo OUR CONTINENT, OUR FUTURE
African Perspectives on Structural Adjustment

by Thandika Mkandawire and Charles C. Soludo
For decades now, the countries of sub-Saharan Africa have implemented the structural adjustment programs of the Bretton Woods Institutions. The results, however, have been less than sterling. Extreme poverty and underdevelopment continue to plague sub-Saharan Africa, and it is now generally agreed that a new approach is urgently required. "Our Continent, Our Future" presents the emerging African perspective on this complex issue.
PRICE: $21.95