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Africa/Global: Updates from AfricaFocus
AfricaFocus Bulletin
March 25, 2022 (2022-03-25)
(Reposted from sources cited below)
Editor's Note
This is the first AfricaFocus Bulletin since January. Towards the end of that
month, major issues with my home office computer systems crippled the
interface which I normally use to publish the Bulletin, and catching up on a
variety of medical issues also limited what I could do. Nothing life
threatening, but lots of doctor appointments.
All is not totally back to normal, and events in the nation and world are still distracting. But I wanted to provide at least a few updates for your consideration.
Much of what I was able to do during this period was concentrated on the AfricaFocus Bookshop on See, as well as several booklists highlighted below.
have also continued my volunteer work with the US-Africa Bridge Building Project and most receently highlighted two inspiring dialogues between experienced activists Kumi Naidoo and Winona LaDuke on the hopes for grassroots action on the climate crisis despite the failure of governments to address the issues at last November's climate summit.
++++++++++++++++++++++end editor's note+++++++++++++++++
Kumi Naidoo and Winona LaDuke in Conversation
In December 2021, the month after the UN Climate Conference concluded in Glasgow, Al Jazeera featured Kumi Naidoo and Winona LaDuke in two inspiring conversations in London. Naidoo and LaDuke focused on the need and the potential for grassroots activists to step up when governments are failing to address the crisis.
The seven days beginning with the anniversary of the Sharpeville Massacre in South Africa on March 21, 1960 end Sunday with the anniversary of the Battle of Horseshoe Bend on March 27, 1814, in which future president Andrew Jackson led his troops against the Creek nation in what is now Alabama.
These dates make this a very appropriate time to be reminded of the central role of anti-racist and indigenous activists in global struggles for climate justice.
At Sharpeville the dead were peaceful demonstrators. At Horseshoe Bend they were elite Creek warriors.
In each case, however, they were mowed down mercilessly by superior firepower.
*|YOUTUBE:[$vid=bPgIe3gx_Sk]|* *|YOUTUBE:[$vid=sRZaEjBCWBo]|*
Walter Rodney Symposium: 50th Anniversary
of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
Tomorrow: Saturday March 26
5-hour symposium - register now - join at any time. To register click (link in image below is not clickable). Begins 10 AM Atlanta, Georgia time. For other time zones see link here.
Sponsored by the Walter Rodney Foundation

Selected Book Lists from AfricaFocus Bookshop
Stop the Bleeding: Illicit Financial Flows and Tax Justice
Book most highly recommended, by Tax Justice Network Africa, is Tax Us If You Can: Why Africa Should Stand Up for Tax Justice. Still the best short overview of the topic, although first published in 2011.

Understanding Global Apartheid
Particularly recommended are two new books: Not A Nation of Immigrants, by Roxanne Dunhar-Ortiz and Born in Blackness, by Howard W. French.

AfricaFocus Bulletin is an independent electronic publication
providing reposted commentary and analysis on African issues, with
a particular focus on U.S. and international policies. AfricaFocus
Bulletin is edited by William Minter. For an archive of previous Bulletins,
Current links to books on AfricaFocus go to the non-profit, which supports independent bookshores and also provides commissions to affiliates such as AfricaFocus.
AfricaFocus Bulletin can be reached at Please
write to this address to suggest material for inclusion. For more
information about reposted material, please contact directly the
original source mentioned. To subscribe to receive future bulletins by email,
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